Berean Bible Fellowship

Pastor: Jim Myers
Youth Leaders: Steve and Karis Nelson
Worship Leader:
Kelly Gabel
1025 S. Franklin Ave.
Colby, KS 67701

Phone: 785 460 2763
Web Page:
Church E-mail:

Church Ministries:
Services: Sunday School - 9:30AM; Morning Worship - 10:45AM
Youth Ministry: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sunday
Awanas - During school year - 6:30PM (Wed)
Pre-marital Counseling: By appointment
Music Ministry: Praise Team

Church Information:
Church launch: 1960
Church Affiliation: Berean Fellowship
Worship Style: Blended
Church Strengths: Bible Teaching, Youth and Children's Ministries